 Using OpenBSD
 The Desktop
 Advanced Use

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Intended Audience

  The mundane users of the world, those who have never used OpenBSD or perhaps any other BSD operating system whatsoever. This book will direct users through the installation process, introduce fundamental concepts of secure administration and usage of a UNIX-like operating system, illustrate the canon and conventions of UNIX and give background information on tools within OpenBSD and OpenBSD itself. Reading through this book should help an interested outsider become an informed user.

  Some sections of this reference, will direct readers to first read specific manual pages this is to help ensure that after reading it should be within the scope of the reader's abilities to use man pages to fill in any gaps within their knowledge base.

  Additional references and information sources can be found in the Suggested Reading section of the Appendix.

Organization of this Text

  This book is split into several sections. The first section, An Introduction to OpenBSD, covers the history of OpenBSD as well as what OpenBSD is and is not. The second, Using OpenBSD, covers installation, unix fundamentals and package management. The third section, The Desktop, covers usage of X and how to modify behaviour of the system. The fourth section, Advanced Usage, covers compatiblity layers, kernel configuration, kernel modules, printing, multibooting. The fifth section, Advanced Networking covers pf, network troubleshooting, bgpd and ospfd, and wireless. The sixth section, Server Administration, covers web, mail, database and other server management topics. The final section, the Appendix, lists other references and contains contributor information.

This site and it's contents, however incomplete and poorly made, are copyright © 2005 - 2025 Nathan Montague and contributors. See the Appendix for details on licence and usage. This site is not affiliated with OpenBSD in any way, it is an unofficial reference which is available as an altruistic gesture. Server, bandwidth and assistance generously provided by Sirius Hosting.